Go to the homepage of our German Course Chapter 4: In the restaurant University of Portsmouth
4.9 Im Restaurant (2) Includes sound files!

Click here to listen to the conversation!Having now found somewhere to sit and ordered a drink, Anna Müller and Margarete Schäfer are now ready to order their meal. Click on the sound graphic at the top of this paragraph or here to listen to their conversation to the waiter (der Kellner).

Anna Müller The waiter Margarete Schäfer

Kellner Haben Sie schon gewählt?
Margarete Schäfer Ja, wir möchten bestellen.
Kellner Was hätten Sie gern?
Margarete Schäfer Ich hätte gern Hähnchen mit Kartoffeln und Salat, bitte.
Kellner Gerne. Und für Sie?
Anna Müller Ich möchte Schweineschnitzel mit Pommes frites.
Kellner Ja... Und zu trinken?
Anna Müller Ein Glas Weißwein, bitte.
Margarete Schäfer Und noch ein Bier!
Kellner Bitte sehr.
Anna Müller Danke.

Inside the Café Lit

schon  already 
Haben Sie schon gewählt?  Have you already chosen?
Wir möchten bestellen  "We would like to order." Note that - as in English - the infinitive of the verb "bestellen" comes at the end of the clause. 
das Hähnchen  "Chicken". As this noun is another one which ends in "-chen", we know that it must be neuter.
die Kartoffel  potato
der Salat  salad; lettuce
gerne So far we have seen this word when a customer is saying what he or she would like. When spoken by a waiter, as here, it means "Of course!" or "You're welcome!"
Und für Sie?  And for you?
das Schwein  pig; pork
das Schnitzel  cutlet, chop
das Schweineschnitzel  "Pork cutlet, escalope of pork". This is another example of those compound nouns which are so common in German. Remember that the gender of the compound noun will always be determined by the last element - here "das Schnitzel"
Und zu trinken?  And to drink?
ein Glas Weißwein  "A glass of white wine". "Weißwein" is another compound noun, coming from "weiß", the adjective for "white" and "der Wein" (= wine).
noch still; yet
noch ein Bier  "Another beer". You would say "eine" for a feminine noun. So "another cup of tea" would be "Noch eine Tasse Tee".
bitte sehr  Yet another nuance of "bitte"! Although the waiter isn't actually bringing them anything, he still says "bitte sehr" to confirm the transaction.

Weiter! Chapter 4.10: Settling the bill

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